Shareholders who wish to participate in the annual general meeting either digitally or by proxy must notify the company of their attendance no later than Tuesday, 19 March 2024, at 16:00h

Shareholders who wish to participate in the annual general meeting, either digitally or by proxy, must notify the company of their attendance no later than Tuesday 19 March 2024, at 16:00h.

Log in using the reference number and PIN sent to you by mail from VPS/Nordea. If you have not received mail, you may receive messages electronically in VPS Investor Portal instead.

If you are a foreign shareholder without a reference number and pin code. You will need to contact your local bank to register your attendance or be able to vote through the VPS investor Portal with a reference number and PIN.

Registering attendance or voting without a reference number and PIN code is impossible. Registration and voting can be done digitally through the VPS investor portal or by e-mail to using the formula attached to the notice of the annual general meeting. Please see the attached presentation and the notice for the annual general meeting for further information.

Once you have logged into VPS Investor Portal, select Events and General Meeting.

Register here: