Changes to share capital registered. Company announcement No. 04

The amendments have now been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business

Share capital: NOK 392 361 753 (unaltered)
Number of B shares: 286 084 402
Par value of each share: NOK 1 (unaltered)

About ECIT
Founded in 2013, ECIT supports a large customer base with accounting, payroll,
and IT services. ECIT has a proven model for acquisitions, combining proximity
to customers, local entrepreneurship and the strength of a larger international
group. ECIT has a full-year proforma 2022 revenue of 3.1 billion NOK per Q1 2023
and more than 2,400 employees across ten countries. M&A has been key to drive
the Company's growth as ECIT has completed close to 140 acquisitions since 2013.