IT Services

IT Services

IT operations and support 

Get a safe operation of server, network, and licenses with help from our dedicated IT consultants and support.  

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Leave your IT operations safely to us 

At ECIT, we assist in all areas of your company’s IT. Whether you choose a full or partial outsourcing, you save time, effort, and money. By releasing internal resources, you get an external IT department as if it were your own.

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Whenever and wherever 

With ECIT, you can get IT support 24/7, which means we solve your IT challenges immediately – regardless of time and place. You and your employees will get a Single Point of Contact and have access to our dedicated support team, who are ready to assist and support you.  

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Hosting and operation of servers 

With ECIT as your partner, we set up servers and applications and monitor the operation so that potential problems do not develop into a failure that affects the workflow. Our state-of-the-art data center in Denmark enables us to offer safe, fast, and stable hosting services.  

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Total responsibility for the operation of PC at a fixed price 

We want your IT setup in everyday life to be as simple as possible. For that reason, we provide operation, support, and updating of your PCs at a fixed price per month. In other words, you will have more time and energy to create value.  

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Safe, predictable, and scalable

Cloud services give you and your employees access to programs, applications, and data online, where you only pay for what you consume. Our cloud services are produced from our own data centers and Microsoft Azure, resulting in a modern, safe, and scalable cloud platform.

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License administration

When it comes to technological tools, it is not only about finding the right product. All programs must be updated and maintained periodically to be resistant to cyberattacks. By letting ECIT take care of the licenses, you will get good terms and conditions.

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   at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData)
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